Nganyang Paul Bayendang

PHD Student

Nganyang Paul Bayendang began his electrical engineering studies at CPUT inception in 2005. He obtained his ND, BTech and MTech in 2007, 2010 and 2015 respectively as well as MSc in 2015 on space and satellite systems engineering from FSATI / ESIEE Paris. He worked at Peralex Electronics from 2006 - 2011 as production / QA technician. From 2012 to 2019, he has been involved in various advance research projects across five different CPUT research facilities – namely, CPUT’s Technology Transfer Office & Industrial Linkages (TTO), CPUT’s French South African Technology Institute (FSATI), CPUT’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (AMTL), CPUT’s Centre for Distributed Power and Electronic Systems (CDPES) and CPUT’s Flow Process and Rheology Centre (FPRC). He started his doctorate study in 2019 at CPUT and in 2020 did 6months mobility at TU-Sofia, Bulgaria. His DEng research focuses on renewable energy and it’s titled: “Model-based Domestic and Commercial CCHP / Fuel-cell / Battery / Ultra-capacitor / Thermo-Electric Hybrid Power Energy Conversion and Energy Storage Management System: A Software-Firmware-Hardware Approach”.


Research Interests: Space Technology & Satellites Systems Engineering, IR, Renewable Energy, Embedded Electronics, Industry 4.0 Applications, Process Control, Bio-Medical-Engineering, Model Based Designs, IEEE Manuscripts Review.


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